dilluns, 29 de febrer del 2016


Dakar is a sport. And in that sport. you need to use any type of vehicule for all the parts. That vehicules are very expensive and smarts because they need to work in all the conditions. The drivers are the most imporant part but without the rest of the team , they don't work good. The races are to largest and dificult, the conditions are always hard. The reaces are not with the drivers together, this races are separated. The driver has done the shortest time wins

A place to visit

My favourite place to visit is Jamaica because in this place there are a lot of famous singers. A part of this Jamaica is very funny because there are a lot of activites to do. The best activity is go to swim with delphins and sharks. In Jamaica my favourite food is the tirón, i have tried in a tipical jamaican restaurant in Barcelona. The beach of jamaica is very extensive and comfortable. A lot of songs are recorded in this island. When i grow up i want to visit Jamaica for try all this things.

diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2016

The most dangerous animal

The most dangerous animal for me is the box jellyfish venom. Is considered the most deadly fish in the world. This toxins that attack the heart, the nervous sistem , and skins cells. The box jellyfish lives in the sea wasps and marine stinges. They live primarily in coastals waters off Northern Australia and thoughout the Indo-Pacific. The toxic component of the jelly fish it can kill 50 humans. I don't want to find one behind me.


Riumors is the town where I have live all my life. Is a small town situed in Girona, the town is composed by 659 habitants. When i was little want to the fortia's school because in Riumors theres no school. The best place there in Riumors is the library because we can play games with the computers with the friends and listen music with the headphones. In the future i will be the mayor of there, and i gona build a skyscrape with my name in the high part.

dilluns, 22 de febrer del 2016

Perpinya Competition

The last 7th of february i went to the perpinya in taekwodono interclub competition and i won. That day i woke up at the 6 o' clock, it was a cold day. I listened music all the travel, but i was nervios equal. When we arrived to the pavillion I can saw thousands of people. I didn't see my rivals. At my first fight i saw they have a low level , after that combat i won the rest and i achieve the gold medal, After that we go to have brekfast and then we come back to Spain.