diumenge, 14 de maig del 2017

Valtteri Bottas wins Russian Grand Prix as Lewis Hamilton struggles

The finlandes-Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) achieved this Sunday his first victory as pilot of Formula 1  beat in-, the fourth appointment of the Championship of the World, Sebastian Vettel  and also the finlandés Kimi Raikkonen, both of Ferrari.
Certainly that is only my opinion, but I think that though the first 3 positions, Boots, Vettel and Czech are correct, Sainz's case is to give points for free. Hulkemberg did better race and Ocón with 4 races in the points deserves many more attention. Raikonen's points seems to be too tarnished, considering the fast return and to have come to only 6 seconds of the winner. Returning to the winner of the race, Bottas is a very young pilot and I think that he will have a lote more of protagonism in next races.



Lewis Hamilton wins spectacular Spanish Grand Prix

Lewis Hamilton achieved his second victory of the season in the GP of Spain of F1 after freeing a battle that will be difficult to forget with Vettel, I come second ahead of Ricciardo, who met in positions of podium after Bottas's abandon for a problem the motive Mercedes. The Catalan raace , as the past year, was full of advancements, emotion and polemic, and when there is action, the pilot english is always one of the protagonists.

The best race in a lot of time. Vettel's advancement to Bottas since probably is not other one in the year. Bottas did his work stopping Vettel. Ferrari stopped too much early and probably they should have put the first way. Mercedes's better strategy and Lewis's good management.

Spanish GP result: 1st Lewis Hamilton; 2nd Sebastian Vettel; 3rd Daniel Ricciardo

Seamus Coleman renewed this Friday his contract with the Everton

Seamus Coleman renewed this Friday his contract with the Everton. The connection spreads for more than five years, up to the summer of 2022, as reports the club of Liverpool.

 " I am very happy for having signed this contract. I am here for a lot of time in a special club, which it means very much for me ", he said  in the official web site of the "toffees", remembering that already he might have signed the extension of the agreement at the end of March.

In this moment, the player of 28 years suffered a double fracture of the right leg to the service of the Republic of Ireland. He went to the room of operations and it has a stop foreseen until ends of 2017.

Congratulation to Seamus. Now the important thing is that recovers well of the injury, the same thing for Bolasie. 2 important players for the season that comes and successive.

The authorities of North Korea One has accused agents of the CIA

The authorities of North Korea One has accused agents of the CIA and of the espionage of South Korea of an attempt of Kim Jong's murder-. In a made public communiqué for the department of Security of the State, the authorities assure that a command " terrorist supported " both agencies of intelligence has entered North Korean territory to attack Kim Jong - One with " a biochemical substance ". 

The department indicates that a " antiterrorist assault " is going to begin " from this moment ". New incidental East it takes place in the climate of high tension between North Korea and the USA, which president, Donald Trump, has raised the possibility of attacking the Asian country if his regime realizes a new nuclear test
Kim Jong - One has the few days. It is possible to sacrifice to the whole world, but it will never be alone, there will come the moment in which someone or some persons of his nearest circle knowing that to the minim they will end underground or be going to know like, they will decide to stop it. On the other hand a person that this putting constant in danger, not only to his neighbors, to the whole planet is better it to be extracted of above. It will be necessary to wait, will take more or less time but it will end up by falling down ... as all, bue, as all except Rajoy.



The human rights are rights that the people have only be the fact thath they born. At present  there are30 human rights  that exist. The definition of the human rights is : Human rights are moral principles or norms, which describe certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected aslegal rights in municipal and international law. 

The United Nations created these rights to have peace in the world and they were founded in Paris in 1948. Many articles were created after the Second World war because it was a disaster for the humanity and a lot of etnities

In my opinion the human rights increasingly are respected less. The main function of the human rights is to protect the people but in many wars these rights are violated. An example might be what it is spending in Syria, a ruined country and where the people have to go away out of fear that they kill him. The solution that they give him to this problem is to shut them up in a field. 

We cannot keep on violating these rights because they were created so that the humanity was working correctly. Finally, I believe that they should respect more human rights so that the world will be better for all and we can keep growing in a good way.

Resultado de imagen de human rights

Fitness Life

To be in good form or to have a way of life fitness has had great reception during the last months. It is a way of life that encloses aspects of physical training and others as a healthy nutrition and a change in the way of thinking on the body. "

The way in the one that feeds is key to enjoy an excellent health ", is something that often has listened to him to say to the doctor or to his acquaintances, but to be fitness implies having conscience on the role is so important that plays what you take to himself to the mouth daily, the physical exercise and the motivation to achieve the proposed goals

Definetly this last year I have started going to train everyday and then doing an strict diet, so I now can tell that i have a good life and now I like more myself than some months ago when I wasn't doing anything seriously.

Resultado de imagen de fitness wallpaper

dimecres, 10 de maig del 2017


A lot of polemic exists with regard to this sport and for it I have decided to intervene to demonstrate on his pros and cons. I go practising it since the summer and my relation with the culturism is of love and hatred. I explain, it is very recomforting to see as your body loses fat and increases his musculature, giving you a very attractive image. 

On the other hand, to obtain it you have to suffer enough and resort to external helps as it are dietetic supplements, creatine, etc, otherwise you costaria god and help to advance satisfactorily, in addition you must be rigorous with your diet and all that in order that for any reason you leave only one month his practice and return almost to your previous condition.It is the bad of this sport, is very ungrateful, but when you work well and manage to advance, up to your mind it improves, to the whole world he likes it turn well in front of a mirror. It is true that I am not in favour of these beasts that go out in the magazines, which are like more to the obese one that even sportsman, I am a lover of the balance and here it consists of reaching a moderate level of musculature and a great definition.

 There the great attraction of the culturism is, but to remember before you must be demanding with you itself and not to commit big excesses in alcohol, etc.this way you will enjoy the practice of the culturism.Resultado de imagen de fisioculturismo

dijous, 4 de maig del 2017

A curious thief

Once upon a time in a city of a distant country, a curious case of disappearance of certain things with enough value. It was a curious thief that could be transformed into whatever he pleases. The inhabitants of that city began to realize when they lacked the things that had stolen them. One day the thief went to steal an institute, in which he had several problems, the children of the institute saw that things were disappearing and appearing things that were not before. The thief seeing this situation became a bat, since he is small and can fly, but children anxious to discover what was happening went to work and went in search of the thief. Then it was when a child realized that there was something fluttering around the institute, and they began to chase after him. 
They came to a dark classroom of blue and the children thinking that they had cornered the thief, anxiously turned on the lights, in that short time after the thief had time to transform into a blue wall, they confused, turned off the lights and Were disillusioned, until in a scandal of the thief, who had consumed the 10 minutes of transformation became his normal appearance, he fell silent and collided with tables that were around, the children returned with adrenaline to the maximum and Discovered the thief, was a man of about 30 years, with long hair, blue eyes and a good physical appearance. The cornered man began to run around the classroom so that the children would move away from the door and run away, he got it but when crossing the hallway that led to the exit he met the cleaning lady, and he in one act Reflex turned into a sign that said "careful, wet ground" and if you mislead the children who chased you from behind. The lady who realized that she had not put that signal took her, then the children explained what The thief with transformations in less than a cock crows and the lady quickly called the police, which took 5 minutes to come and arrest the thief, who had to return everything stolen to the victims and sentenced him to prison 16 years, for Every thing she had stolen.
The children and the woman were given a commemorative plaque for resolving the case.After the years the children grew up and are now the best detectives in the country and the cleaning lady segu He worked humbly in his work.

dilluns, 1 de maig del 2017

My opinion on social networks

The social networks or virtual pages where the users interact, share, exhibit, publish, promote products, activities and other aspects of his personal lives with persons of the whole world, it is having his summit in the 21st century. The majority of the persons use the networks for personal use and to pass time, but they do not notice all the benefits that they can obtain of them.
The social networks were created principally to facilitate the communication between persons and to know a bit of his personal life, this one is the end with which the companyuses it. 
By means of the networks, we can obtain almost everything what we wish within reach of a computer or a telephone, since with these pages we can make marketing, find out from what it happens in ours around and even from information that we might not find in other means , can find work, promote the operation and the functioning company, communicate with persons without need to come to the place where he is; apparently the benefits of these seem to be innumerable.
In order that all these benefits do not have any negative repercussion, it is necessary to to have certain knowledge of the correct managing of the social networks, given to that since they can promote companies, also it is possible to create bad reputation of them. If the networks are not handled by persons who know which is the importance of his functioning there can be repercussions.Resultado de imagen de social networks

dissabte, 29 d’abril del 2017

A part of the daily life

The Taekwon-do is an art of self defense that stretches to a noble moral rearmament, to a high degree of intellectual fulfillment, to elegant skills, and to the beauty of the physical form, it is possible to be considered a part of the daily life.
To present it in a simple way, the Taekwon-do is a version of combat without weapon established with an intention of self defense. Also, the Taekwon-do is more than this. It is the scientific utilization of the body in the method of self defense; a body that has adquired the maximum of his performance, across an intensive physical and mental training. It is a martial art that does not have equally in power or skills. As martial art, his discipline, and technical and mental training are the essential to build a fort felt of justice, humility and resolution. It is the mental conditioning that marks the difference between the real medical instructor and the sensationalist one to whom only it is enough to dominate the combative aspects of this art.
This one is one of the reasons for which it is said of the Taekwon-do that it is an art of self-defence. Also it implies a certain way of thinking and living, particularly instigating the concept of a spirit of strict discipline self imposed. His more precise description is an almost a worship. Translated literally "Tae" represents the action to jump or fly, to throb or destroy with the foot. "Kwon" represents the fist, especially to throb or to destroy with the hand or the fist. "Do" means art or way, the correct way constructed and established by the saints and the wise persons of the past.
As a whole, "Taekwon-do" indicates the mental training and the skills of the combat without weapon for the auto defense, implying skill of the fists, kicks, blockades and the defenses with feet and nake hands for a fast destruction of the adversary or of several mobile adversaries.

Paul di Resta set to be named Williams reserve driver for 2017 season

Paul di Resta has alredy signs a contract with Williams to be the reserve driver.
Paul Di Resta is a pilot who have compited in the formula 1 and this is good because in concsequence of that he have a lot of experience.
The Dutch team's owner saids that Paul has realy good qualities in driving.
Paul is gona begin his career in the april of 2017 in Germany.
I realy like the idea of the reincorporation of Paul in the formula 1 because in my infancy I' was a realy fan of the formula 1 and he was a very good pilot. If he arrives to the be the titular driver again then we are gona see a loot of emotionants races.
Paul Di Resta

dimecres, 29 de març del 2017

ESSAY-How do you imagine your life partner?

In occasions the couples come and go, the conviviality is never easy, suddenly they emerge the differences and the fondness rarefies, the distrust appears and the loneliness ends up by occupying a too big space between two persons who in spite of sharing the same bed, have the whole ocean of distance between both. Why does this happen? Indeed is it so difficult to find a person who fits to the perfection in our personal and existential machinery, someone who accompanies us in our wheel of the time across congratulations and difficulties?
In occasions we leave ride ourselves for the passion without seeing objectively the person that we have ahead.

In the article of "How to Pick Your Life Partner – Part 2" they tell us about three ingredients that will make our desicion of who we pick better, the most interesting part of it is when it explains that Relationships are always tough, and things don’t get any easier as time goes on. You don’t get any better at it just because you’ve been on the job longer. With most long-term relationships, there are going to be periods of ennui and speed bumps of tedium along the way. Wandering eyes can also become a problem when anyone spends the bulk of his time with just one person. The most important thing is to be aware of the inevitable lulls or moments of doubt, and to make a plan to counteract them. Just because you’ve been together a long time doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun being in the relationship.

In other part the ted of love explain us that a relation of couple is a link of love that arises between two persons. A relation of couple has different stages when it evolves in positive. A relation of couple can be gratifying, in this case, it is a question of a positive link in which the love is a sum and not a subtraction. In the relations of couples the real love demonstrates as a way of complementing itself between both parts, in spite of being different, achieving a compatible way of life, sharing values and projects to future.

In conclusion to find a stable couple is not not simple at all, it is necessary to pass for several stages to achieve an internal growth in each of us in order that the relation could be stable, since, on otherways , the relation would turn out to be complex enough, and the idea is not this, but to have anybody in spite of whom sharing, to whom to help and of whom receiving help. Found a couple means that it must eliminate the concept of " I and only I ", the egocentrism, now we must share our lives with another person, in who we must trust and integrate it to our activities. But for especially, we must complement ourselves with our couple, of this form the relation will turn out to be more agreeable and easier to control.

We must overcome many obstacles and decide for what really we want. Nevertheless, we cannot choose a couple without having a clear vision of what we claim for our future and less if we have not had previous relations that allow to strengthen us internally, to take a good decision, since it is very difficult to take it if it is that some similar situation has not been lived and we can be wrong.




diumenge, 12 de març del 2017


I did my presentation about an issue that is  MY TDR
I used a prezzi with a lot of photos and audio in the back. The material I've use is simplified by one word in the prezzi and that was a support for me . The presentation duration was between ten or fifteen minutes.
When it was my turn to present this time I don't take nervous but I don't do it like i would do it.
When I was doing my  presentation,I was nervious but at the final I relax myself because I remember all the sentences.
In my opinion my pronunciation was no bad but I said some words wrong (for example: informatic programer, ) 
When I finalized the presentation and reviewed the video I saw that I say the same text that I have in the notes, but i change some words.

In my opinion my mark is 6

Formula 1: Fernando Alonso criticises engine after testing disappointment


The Spanish driver Fernando Alonso, a two-time Formula 1 champion, has been experiencing problems with his new McLaren model. After a low performance on the second day of practice in the second week of the preseason, the pilot focused his criticisms on the engines that are provided by the Honda.

"I do not think we're so far behind in terms of chassis. We have a problem that is the engine, which has neither power nor reliability. In all the straight we were 30 km / h below the opponents, "Alonso complained.

In the tests carried out this Wednesday, Alonso completed only 46 laps at the Barcelona circuit. With 1min23s041 as his best lap, the Spaniard marked the 12th fastest time.


Very well said, Fernando. Those of McLaren will say what they want but, given what they have achieved in the last years, until it is proved otherwise the car, orange or not, is not worth anything. The team has to improve the car if they want to aspire to any type of tittle.


Resultado de imagen de fernando alonso