dijous, 4 de maig del 2017

A curious thief

Once upon a time in a city of a distant country, a curious case of disappearance of certain things with enough value. It was a curious thief that could be transformed into whatever he pleases. The inhabitants of that city began to realize when they lacked the things that had stolen them. One day the thief went to steal an institute, in which he had several problems, the children of the institute saw that things were disappearing and appearing things that were not before. The thief seeing this situation became a bat, since he is small and can fly, but children anxious to discover what was happening went to work and went in search of the thief. Then it was when a child realized that there was something fluttering around the institute, and they began to chase after him. 
They came to a dark classroom of blue and the children thinking that they had cornered the thief, anxiously turned on the lights, in that short time after the thief had time to transform into a blue wall, they confused, turned off the lights and Were disillusioned, until in a scandal of the thief, who had consumed the 10 minutes of transformation became his normal appearance, he fell silent and collided with tables that were around, the children returned with adrenaline to the maximum and Discovered the thief, was a man of about 30 years, with long hair, blue eyes and a good physical appearance. The cornered man began to run around the classroom so that the children would move away from the door and run away, he got it but when crossing the hallway that led to the exit he met the cleaning lady, and he in one act Reflex turned into a sign that said "careful, wet ground" and if you mislead the children who chased you from behind. The lady who realized that she had not put that signal took her, then the children explained what The thief with transformations in less than a cock crows and the lady quickly called the police, which took 5 minutes to come and arrest the thief, who had to return everything stolen to the victims and sentenced him to prison 16 years, for Every thing she had stolen.
The children and the woman were given a commemorative plaque for resolving the case.After the years the children grew up and are now the best detectives in the country and the cleaning lady segu He worked humbly in his work.

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